Friday, 16 January 2009

Analysis of Q

Front Page

Originally, Q was called Cue (as in the sense of cueing a record, ready to play), but the name was changed so that it wouldn't be mistaken for a snooker magazine. Another reason is that a single-letter title would be more prominent on newsstands.

The masthead is conventionally in the top left corner of the magazine. However the strap line is covered up by the main picture on the front. The picture is of Kings of Leon smashing through glass. This picture represents their break through in the music industry.

The genre of the magazine is modern rock/pop. However the magazine deals with older bands as it is a sister magazine of mojo.

The main plug is Kings of Leon break through. This catptions the picture and informs the reader on what the main articles of the magazine is inside.
Also, the barcode and price is conventionally place within one of the bottom two corners of the magazine, as not to interupt the main picture or information on the front of the magazine.

Other plugs are place but not so dominantly as to advertise what else is in the magazine.

Double Page

This double page spread is mainly dominated by the picture which covers the whole of the righthand side page. The picture is of the band who seem to have been fighting in a dirty underground type of location. This reflects on the title "STEP INSIDE ROCK AND ROLLS OWN FIGHT CLUB". The whole of the layout is dark with little colour used.

The main article starts off with an introduction in a different colour and a larger font to the rest of the text. This would help distinguish the article from the text. The background is black and the font colours used is yellow and white which is eye catching and easilly readable on such a dark background. The band's name is in the corner in grey which looks small and doesnt stand out aswell. However the picture tells the reader alot and they would instantly recognise what and who the article is about.

I think the overall page spread is simple but very interesting and eye catchin at the same time. Everything is just right so its not too hard to read and there isn't writing everywhere with an inconsistent feel of editing.


This contents page is very similar to mojos in the way that there is a montage of images with relevent captions and numbers that will help you find the related article in the magazine. The main heading is at the top of the page and the contents are down the left hand side of the page.

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