Friday, 16 January 2009

Analysis of The Observer Music Supplement

This magazine front page is very simple yet effective. There is a dominant picture on the front with a simple yellow/orange background. The mast head is in the top left hand corner of the page with a strap line. the main heading is also simple plain black text in the top right hand side of the page.

There is a small plug running across the bottom of the page and this is the only plug on the page.

The target auidence will be the same of that who reads the observer, so this includes the more edjucated, midde class aged 30+.

Double page

This double page spread has a very dominant piture which takes up most of the two pages. the text is quite minimal compared to the space used up by the picture. The text starts with the heading, then introductory paragraph and the main body of text. there is conventional page numbers.


This contents page compared to the front cover is very busy and there is alot more going on. Across the top is the heading and date and underneith is the main pictures of the page. the bigger they are the more important they are. The pictures are also occumpinied by the relevent page numbers. Down the right hand side there is the maine contents list of the magazine which is broken into different sections to help the reader find what he or she wants to read. along the bottom is something to do with the magazine which seems important so they have placed it on the contents page.

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