Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Foundation Portfolio, Preliminary Task

For the preliminary task we was asked to make a college magazine. This would include the front cover and the contents page. We looked at how conventions and key media concepts applied to the task and explored each feature of the acronym LIIAR:
  • Language
  • Institution
  • Ideology
  • Audience
  • Representation


The language is the layout of the media. This is everything such as the font of the text, the text, the photograph, the process of the photograph ( black and white to colour), the masthead, the colour, the size of the text, colour of the text.


The institution is us/Wyke college.


The ideology is the main message that I want my magazine to portrait. This is that Wyke College has high standards with high A-Level results year to year.


  • Students at Wyke college aged 16-19
  • Staff at the college, teachers and other staff
  • Mainly from the Hull/East Yorkshire area
  • 64% females at the college, 36% males at the college,


How we represent the college through:

  • Photographs, type of angles
  • The main story, sub-stories, how the story fits in with the photograph
  • How we promote the college through the photograph and stories

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